Microblading creates the most natural looking realistic hair strokes in eyebrow semi-permanent make up with the use of a Microblade also known as Eyebrow Embroidery, Microstroking, Micropigmentation, Eyebrow feathering and 3D eyebrows.
This technique allows creating a beautifully designed brow with natural feathering of hair – like strokes. This allows waking up with perfectly groomed brows every day without having to worry about filling in, smudging, smearing or disappearing.
Some eyebrows require little effort to look perfect while other require the help of a small miracle just to get by.
All Semi Permanent Makeup procedures Include Microblading require 2 treatments to complete the process.
Stage 1 is the initial appointment, you then need to return 4-5 weeks later for Stage 2 which is a re-touch treatment.
This is because the skin doesn't hold the pigment perfectly with just one treatment and so the re-touch is to fill in any gaps and re-enforce the colour.
The final result will appear Stage 2 re-touch treatment.
We are only able to treat clients over 18 years old.
Eyebrows are so important – they frame the face!
PhiBrows is a manual skill of semi-permanent eyebrow drawing. Shape of the eyebrows is calculated according to the Golden intersection (PHI 1.618) and face morphology.
The pigment is applied into the surface layer of the dermis using sterilised tools.
The pigment is chosen so to match the natural hair’s colour. After the healing, the colour may become several hues lighter than the natural hair’s colour.
Symmetry is achieved through PhiBrows application and it is calculated while the clients’ eyes are closed because in that way mimetic muscles that can affect eyebrows’ symmetry are relaxed.
PhiBrows microblading is a process of 2 treatments. Healing result varies depending on skin indication, aftercare and lifestyle. The durability of the pigment depends mostly on the skin and life style (exposure to sun, cosmetic procedures etc.) A touch up once in 6-8 month to a year and half, depending of skin quality.

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